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salamm and good day to members of SP5...
just a soft but quite a reminder -security fee for JAN 2011 is due.
thus we do hope members would endeavour their best to foward the usual RM50.00 to our ajk jalan this weekend or perhaps the next one after the CNY.
for those who opt for online payment we do hope upon such payment a short text be sent to our respective ajk jalan and if possible to our treasurer Aziz Manas at 019 211 2661
for AJK JALAN we do hope the necessary steps and reminders be taken to facilitate such payment so to ensure our coffer would alw be updated and healthy. do try our best to issue receipt to members so as the payment records 
Again we do appreciate your never ending support for the betterment of our SP5 community. 
sincerely jeff



Tawaran Biasiswa Kecil Yayasan TM 2011 - Dibuka

Saya dimaklumkan Biasiswa Kecil Yayasan TM dibuka sekarang sehingga 18 Februari. Kepada yang layak, boleh cuba memohon.


Permohonan adalah terbuka kepada pelajar Tingkatan 1 dan Tingkatan 4 tahun 2011 sahaja.

Permohonan hendaklah dibuat secara aplikasi dalam talian dengan melayari laman web Yayasan TM di alamat http://ytm.tm.com.my mulai 19 Januari 2011.

Tarikh tutup permohonan adalah pada 18 Februari 2011.



dear members....

for those who have not had the 'privilege' of fowarding the above contributions we do hope you could get in touch with our respective ajk jalan- the contact numbers as i ve stated  quite recently in our yahoo group.
For our 1F1c Campaign i was informed that sum of our members may have not been able to chip in due to several reasons hence i do hope the same (RM25.00) could also be included.Our target is to have around 130 chairs and now stands at 100 chairs
We do understand that we might have been too occupied at the start of the new year and at the same time we do apologized for the delay in collecting those contributions
thank you for your continous support


Pondok Pengawal

salam semua dan selamat sejahtera

secara kebetulan saya telah bertemu En. Norizan dari Bangi Height dan beliau teleah memaklumkan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan kepada semua bahwa:

"...pembinaan dan pengubahsuaian pondok poengawal (SP5) akan di lakukan dalam masa yang terdekat ini dan sepatutnya kontraktor berkenaan telah pun menghantar barangan bagi tujuan tersebut. rekaan dan pengubahsuaian ini adalah sebagai mana yang telah dipersetujui dalam perbincangan yang lalu.

harap maklum.



salman selamat
13, 5/6, BSP


Badminton SP5

Kejohanan Badminton SP5 dijangka bermula selepas Raya Cina. Tentative date ialah pada bermula 12 Feb dan akan diadakan setiap Sabtu dan Ahad dari jam 8 pagi-10.30 pagi. Budget 20 mins per game. jadi dalam 7-8 game sepagi.
Sebagai permulaan, kita akan bermula dengan husband-wife pair dulu. Yuran adalah RM30 sepair. Ini adalah untuk membeli shuttlecock.
Format adalah kalah mati. Namun ada loser pool i.e. pasangan mana yg kalah akan terus ke pool yg kalah. Ini baru cadangan.
Jadi sesiapa yg berminat, tolong beri nama kepada En Rosli setiausaha atau En Bakar sebelum 5 feb. Ini untuk memudahkan kami utk membuat keputusan tentang format.
Hadiah berkemungkinan besar hamper.
NOTA: Kalau register tu, sekali dengan duit ye....


Membentuk Anak Soleh & Solehah Dalam Era Globalisasi


Di jemput  yg berkelapangan untuk turut serta dalam program keibubapaan; Membentuk Anak Soleh & Solehah Dalam Era Globalisasi seperti berikut;

Sumber: http://putra-mahkota.com/forum/index.php?topic=4857.msg64638#msg64638


Latihan Kinabalu: Gunung Dato' Rembau ditawan

Salam semua,
Alhamdulillah, seramai 23 peserta dari BSP, BBM dan sekitar KL dan kawasan utara telah berjaya menawan Gunung Dato' Rembau pada 16 Jan 2011 tengah hari. Ini merupakan latihan kumpulan pertama bagi XPDC GK 11.11.11 insyaAllah.

Wassalam terima kasih.

Ahmad Yusof 019-359 8489



Wacana "Industri Lakonan dan Dunia Artis Menurut ISLAM" di Bangsar

Satu wacana akan dianjurkan bertajuk Industri Lakonan dan Dunia Artis Menurut ISLAM pada:
Tarikh: 20 Jan, Khamis
Waktu: 9 Mlm
Tempat: Dewan Masjid Bangsar
Panel jemputan: Ust Fadlan Othman (Ketua Ulama UMNO), Muhaimin Sulam (drp PAS) dan Erma Fatima (Seniwati)
Dijemput hadir bagi yg ada kelapangan.



“Ke Arah Negara Berpendapatan Tinggi : Memahami Liberalisasi Ekonomi dan Pembukaan Pasaran”

Majlis Pelancaran Siri Seminar IDEAS – www.AkademiMerdeka.org

"Ke Arah Negara Berpendapatan Tinggi : Memahami Liberalisasi Ekonomi dan Pembukaan Pasaran"

Masa: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Tarikh: Tuesday 25th January 2011

Tempat: Dewan Senat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Perasmian dan Ucapan Pembukaan oleh:

- Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah, Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi I, Malaysia.
- Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin, Naib Canselor Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Pengarah Eksekutif Institute for Democracy & Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

Para penceramah:

- Dr Ong Kian Ming, Pensyarah di UCSI
- Noor Amin Noor Ahmad, Fellow di IDEAS

Program ini merupakan kerjasama www.AkademiMerdeka.org, IDEAS, UKM, International Policy Network, dan PESEPSI 

Siri seminar ini akan membincangkan idea-idea untuk membawa Malaysia mencapai status Negara Berpendapatan Tinggi. Dari pelajar ke professor, semuanya akan bersama berkongsi akal fikiran apakah idea terbaik untuk merealisasikan impian Malaysia menjadi sebuah negara yang kukuh dari aspek ekonomi. Semua dijemput hadir.


Pengawal terima gaji baru akhir bulan ini

Pengawal terima gaji baru akhir bulan ini


12/01/2011 2:33pm

KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Jan. - Lebih daripada 100,000 pengawal keselamatan di negara ini dijangka menerima gaji minimum RM700 pada hujung bulan ini.

Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Datuk Sheikh Yahya Sheikh Mohammed berkata, kerajaan tidak berganjak daripada keputusan bahawa pelaksanaan gaji minimum itu adalah pada 1 Januari lepas.

Jika ada pengawal keselamatan tidak menerima gaji baru pada 31 Januari ini, mereka harus bertanya kepada majikan dan membuat laporan kepada Pejabat Tenaga Kerja berhampiran sekiranya masih tidak ada perubahan selepas itu, katanya di sini hari ini.

Sheikh Yahya berkata, jabatan itu telah berjumpa dengan Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia bagi menjelaskan keputusan kerajaan tersebut.

Sementara itu, Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) menyambut baik keputusan kerajaan tersebut yang seiring dengan salah satu resolusi yang dibuat mereka pada persidangan bulan lepas. - Bernama




Pihak Sahabat Ukhuwah Resources akan mengadakan kursus ibadah umrah secara PERCUMA pada masa, dan tempat berikut :

Tarikh : Bermula Ahad, 16 Januari 2011

Masa : 9:00 am hingga 12.00pm

Tempat : Sahabat Ukhuwah Resources, No. 26, Jalan Seri Putra 1/2, Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor (bersebelahan Klinik Ummu Ammar lama)

Moderator : Ust. Hj. Md. Roslan bin Mohd. (Mantan Pengarah Urusan, Irna Yakin Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd.)

Ust Hj. Mohd. Hasnil bin Abu Bakar (Pembimbing kursus Haji Bersiri, Lembaga Tabung Haji.



Sumber: http://putra-mahkota.com/forum/index.php?topic=6325.0;topicseen



dear members of sp5....

happy new year to each and everyone and we the AJKs sincerely hope that this brand new year of 2011 would be a better one in all aspects and facets of our life.
God willing insyallah a better and superb health, stronger understanding,committment and greater tolerancy be always be with us.
on behalf of the Ajks i would take this opportunity to thank you for your co operation, sense of neigborhood or even sense of humour in participating in our planned activities in 2010.
no doubt we may and sumtimes may not be able to satisfy everybody as far as our 'foc' contibutions to the community at large is concerned but it may not be a reality at all without your co operation.thank you from all of us
Now just a reminder we do hope that members would foward the following :
1.security fee RM50 (december 2010)
2.sinking fund RM15.00 (4th quarter 2010)
3.1F1C campaign (RM25.00)
do call or drop by at our AJKs units for the above payments.we do appreciate your kind effort.
now speaking of our 1F1C campaign i m glad to share herein that we have so far collected around RM200.00 being kind contributions from our members who had utilised the tables and chair set.bravo! prof sham,cik nasir,cikgu zali,sofian,rosley aziz to name a few
I will soon write pertaining to the mechanism of charges of the tables chair set-basically based on members and non members (non contibutor) rate.
sincerely jeff 


Menggunakan e-Aduan MPKJ

Salam sejahtera untuk semua Warga SP5,

Kami (AJK) ingin merakamkan ucapan terimakasih kami kepada warga SP5 yang telah mengunjurkan aduan seperti lampu jalan tidak berfungsi, lampu jalan tidak berfungsi mengikut time zone yang betul, sampah tidak di pungut mengikut jadual atau tidak konsisten dan sebagainya.
Untuk makluman semua, kami telah menggunakan saluran yang kami ada seperti menggunakan e-Aduan, melapurkan kepada ahli majlis dan sebagainya. Mungkin disebabkan kesibukan serta ingin mengumpulkan beberapa masalah / aduan, lapuran yang kami buat agak terlewat.
Disini kami ingin memohon kerjasama dari semua Warga SP5 agar dapat membuat lapuran terus kepada MPKJ melalui e-Aduan MPKJ. Disertakan panduan untuk menggunakan e-Aduan MPKJ. Dengan menggunakan kaedah ini, aduan anda akan dapat disalurkan kepada MPKJ secepat mungkin dan tindakan akan dapat dijalan dengan kadar segera oleh MPKJ.
Terimakasih diatas kerjasama warga SP5.
Rosley Abd Aziz


Gelanggang badminton/takraw

Warga SP5.

Alhmadulillah gelanggang badminton/takraw kita nampaknya telah siap dan sedia untuk digunakan. Cuma apa yang saya dapati adalah batu-batu dan pasir lebihan pembinaan masih terdampar di situ dan agak merbahaya bagi kanak-kanak atau pemain jika terus dibiarkan di situ. Jika tidak keberatan, saya cadangkan lebihan batu atau pasir itu digunakan untuk membuat tangga daripada jalan ke kawasan permainan tersebut atau pun dijadikan tempat duduk agar mudah peminat duduk memberikan sokongan.

Disamping itu, saya rasalah 'pulley' yang ada ditiang 'net' itu telah dipasang secara terbalik. Sepatutnya diletakkan disebelah luar untuk menyokong tali net dan bukannya di dalam (lihat gambar dibawah). Mankala untuk lantai, tiada ruang pembahagi tengah dan ruangan apit kiri/kanan (untuk main takraw) sedikit kecil.

Bagaimanapun, terima kasih diucapkan kepada mereka yang telah mengusahakan sehingga terbangunnya gelanggang ini. Dan diharap ianya tidak dibiarkan begitu sahaja tanpa digunakan oleh warga SP5.

p/s: Kalau boleh mengharap lagi, elok juga dapatkan lampu.

Gelanggang badminton dan takraw SP5

'Pulley' rasanya disebelah luar dan bukan sebelah dalam seperti dalam gambar di atas.

Longgokan batu dan pasir. Boleh guna buat tangga dan laluan atau pun buat tempat duduk penonton.

2-dalam-1. Tapi tiada garisan pemisah tengah. Kalau nak main kabaddi, tak boleh ni.

Ruang apit kiri dan kanan terlalu kecil dan tiada pembahagi tengah.



Sistem Pendidikan Menggunakan Vocher

Artikel yg menarik singgah dalam mailbox saya dan saya kongsikan di sini. Secara mudahnya, penulis mencadangkan agar sekolah bersaing untuk kebaikan pelajar dan sistem vocher diperkenalkan diberi mengikut kemana murid itu pilih sekolah.

School improvement: should we go Dutch?

January 8th, 2011 by admin Categories: Opinion, Other, Public Services No Responses

By Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The Edge, 8 January 2011

Several parents contacted me to share their stories after reading my article last month. There is one common thread to all the stories. Parents want the best for their children and they feel that private schools are better. But they don't have the money to pay private school fees. I can fully understand how frustrating it is, because that is also my personal experience.

Let's make one thing clear. I am in no way suggesting that all private schools are good by default. But there are at least two forces that push private schools to continuously improve – the forces of competition and decentralisation.

Private schools must compete for paying clients. The only way they can "defeat" their rivals – other private schools and taxpayer-funded state schools – is by ensuring their students perform better. State schools will survive no matter how they perform. In contrast, private schools that perform badly will head towards certain death because parents will exercise their choice and opt for a better one.

On the other hand, the management of private schools is certainly more decentralised. They have more freedom to innovate and improvise. This liberty empowers teachers and school managers to do what is best for their students, not simply following directives from politicians and Putrajaya overlords. A recent report by McKinsey published in November 2010 argues that decentralisation, including in pedagogical issues, is an important feature of a school that is moving towards excellence.

But there remains the problem of affordability. The key therefore is to introduce competition (and the parental choice that comes with it) and decentralisation while keeping schools free. To me this is still a compromise because total privatisation would be the best way. But it is a very good and most acceptable compromise for now.

The central principle is that taxpayers' money should follow students. The voucher system is among the best options. We must develop one that is suited for our country.

School vouchers is not a new system. Andrew Coulson, Director of Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom, suggested that the earliest explicit description of the idea can be found in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation, first published in 1776. More recently, in 2005 Reason Magazine called Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman as the Father of Modern School Reform. Until his death in 2006, Friedman tirelessly campaigned for the voucher system, believing that education subsidies, if it were to continue, must be targeted at consumers and not suppliers.

Thanks to funding from the Dutch government, I was able to visit Holland in November 2010, partly to look at the Dutch school system. Dutch parents have enjoyed the benefits of school voucher and choice since 1917. Educational freedom is in fact enshrined in the Dutch constitution.

Dutch schools are government-funded, yet approximately 70 per cent of schools are private. All schools, including private schools, receive full government funding based on student numbers and manpower needs. Schools do not charge top-up fees, thus ensuring that all schools remain essentially free. But parents can donate for additional activities.

When I met Dr Frans van Noort, the principal of St Gregorius College, a religious secondary school in Utrecht, he explained that teachers and administrative staff (including himself) are employed by the school itself. They are not government employees the way our Malaysian teachers are employed. This gives the school management full ability to reward and sanction teachers and staff based on their performance in nurturing students.

I also met Ton Duif, head of AVS, the trade union for school leaders. He fiercely defended the independence of schools, arguing that he would never allow government to interfere unnecessarily in the terms and conditions of service of school leaders that are his members. It must have been the first time I had a face-to-face meeting with a trade union head arguing against government intervention, out of conviction that employers are partners, not the enemy.

Having spoken to a few groups of Dutch schoolchildren, at a cursory glance, I must say that if we compare them with Malaysian students at the same age group, they are more mature in their thinking. Nevertheless my personal observation is limited and cannot be taken as the benchmark. For that, we need to refer to TIMSS and PISA, the two global education assessments schemes usually used for international benchmarking. Holland consistently performs very well in both.

The Dutch system is an example of how choice, competition and decentralisation created by the voucher system benefit students. Commenting on the Dutch system, a World Bank report entitled The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education published in 2009 says "the system is not only successful academically but is also cost effective, yielding good results at relatively low cost". In other words, it works.

It is time for those who believe education is a public good and cannot be run by the private sector or be privatised to ask themselves how much longer they want to allow their false belief to trump our children's education attainment. It is wrong to place this mistaken ideology over and above the rights of our children to receive excellent quality education.


Sesi Persekolahan 2011 - SRA-BSP dan SK-BSP

Rakaman sesi pagi di SK-BSP dan SRA-BSP.






Kanak-kanak kelas khas sedang berehat bersama guru-guru.

Kanak-kanak kelas khas sedang berehat bersama guru-guru.












Yuran sekolah : RM38.50 (Tahun 1 hingga 6)

Yuran PIBG : RM30.00 (bg setiap keluarga-bayar pada guru kelas anak yg plg muda)

T-Shirt Sukan : RM15.00 ( Mengikut warna rumah sukan)

Name Tag : RM3.00 (3 keping - jika perlu).

Bayar pada guru kelas, bermula esok.Tunai sahaja. Jika dikirimkan kepada anak, masukkan dalam envelope yg ditulis nama dan kelas anak.


Sumber: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SK-Bandar-Seri-Putra/182228500788



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